In 2006, Granville Homes introduced the Granville Home of Hope as a philanthropic effort that would raise money to provide food, shelter, health care and education to those in need.
Now in its 18th year, the Granville Home of Hope continues to partner with local nonprofits who are making an impact right here in the Central Valley. Granville Homes is proud to serve our community by partnering with these phenomenal non-profits.
While Granville has partnered with some of these organizations for years, we are always expanding our efforts to include additional non-profits. We hope that through this project, many of our neighbors in the Valley will get a chance to see the difference these groups are making in our community. If you’re looking for inspiration, you’ll find it in the groups listed below.
Join the Granville Home of Hope Community! In these tough economic times, it can be difficult to provide individual support to those in desperate need of help here in the Valley. The Granville Home of Hope fundraiser was created to do just that! Granville has the infrastructure in place so you can maximize your gift to support eight local nonprofits with 100% of the proceeds providing support for food, shelter, education and healthcare for Valley residents. For more information, speak with a member of our team at